Embracing Imperfect

Embracing Imperfect

I’ve been on a journey, and I wanted to share some thoughts that have been echoing in my mind. For years, perfectionism held me captive, chaining my dreams to the fear of failure. Every project, from simple homework assignments to launching my passion project, was drowned in the pursuit of perfection.

Recently, I stumbled upon Steph Taylor’s podcast, “Imperfect Action,” and it’s been a game-changer. Steph advocates for starting before you’re ready, for diving into the messy, imperfect process of creation. It resonated with me deeply because, let’s face it, we all have a knack for conjuring stories about why we can’t take action yet.

My excuse was always that I didn’t know enough, or the stars hadn’t aligned with the perfect set of facts. Steph’s words hit home – “you’re never going to feel ready to take action. We become ready by taking action.”

Imperfect action is the antidote to overwhelm, a way to chip away at that towering to-do list. As Seth Godin wisely puts it, what needs to happen for the rest to matter? This philosophy is the heartbeat of Localtarian. Start now and optimize as we go. Imperfection is our catalyst for growth.

Localtarian is my imperfect action. Years in the making, it’s a dream to see small businesses thrive, communities discover local gems, and artists enrich our culture. It won’t be perfect at the outset, and that’s okay. To me, perfection is synonymous with growth.

Perhaps this imperfect action is the secret sauce for your business too. What are you hesitating to start? Should you begin it now? What needs to happen for you to take that first step?

Join me in the imperfect, beautiful journey. Localtarian is not just a platform; it’s a canvas for dreams to unfold, stories to be told, and imperfections to turn into masterpieces.

Here’s to imperfectly starting and beautifully growing.

About jjkafka

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